Disability discrimination issues
Retaliation Issues
pic ICRC
Failure of investigation
Process took 1.5 YEARS to have a “ruling”. Commission brags it takes 100 days. Process had no deadline. It was closed without warning, and no deadline was given. Only repeated statements of “soon” were used. Claimant was told the retaliation acts would be included. They were not. Since acts were ongoing, there was no end in sight. Then main complaint was closed as ICRC grossly mishandled submitted evidence, refused to contact witnesses to acts, refused to gather evidence in response to made up statements from respondents, refused to put evidence in proper order (ICRC reversed timeframe of acts) refused to accept evidence (as proven by repeated submissions that were ignored and listed as “not received” in report.)
Retaliation acts that began at the onset of the complaint are STILL ongoing and ICRC has not ruled on all of those acts. Approximately 12 categories of retaliation. So retaliation has been ongoing for over 2 years steady. Approaching 800 days with no response from the ICRC about the closure end dates. ICRC has stopped responding to submissions and is actively refusing evidence for retaliation acts. Repeated questions to the ICRC have been ignored. ICRC has responded to specific questions by stating. “what are the questions” written directly above the question I asked. This is willful acts of bias investigating.

This site is divided into 2 sections. Original complaint and Retaliation acts

Original complaint

Retaliation acts

Specific issues of investigation/evidence refusals are included in the links above for each category.

ICRC grossly mishandled the entire case and refused an appeal even when evidence was submitted to prove the ruling was 100% lies by the commission.





www.icrciowa.exposed is NOT affiliated with the Iowa Civil Right Commission (ICRC).

This website is a personal experience site. Content on this site is from personal experience with the ICRC and how they failed their duties as a government agency.